What is the Mission of MS Solutions ?
In short, our mission is to improve the lives of people with MS.
Mission statement
The mission of the MS Solutions is to provide programs and support services to those persons affected by MS that help them maintain their health, safety, self-sufficiency, and personal well-being; and to heighten public awareness of multiple sclerosis in order to elicit financial support for the organizations programs and services and promote understanding for those diagnosed with the illness.
What kind of services does MS Solutions offer?
MS Solutions provides grants to individuals with MS for much-needed services and devices. These may be directly related to their healthcare, such as funding for a neurologist visit for the uninsured, prescription co-pays, and physical, occupational, or speech therapy. Or they may be items that aid in adapting to changing circumstances, such as portable wheelchair ramps, hand controls for vehicles, or cooling aids for heat intolerance. To learn more about the services we offer - Visit our Get Help page
Whom does MS Solutions serve?
Our resources assist people who have MS, their families and caregivers. Our programs and grants are available in the 50 U.S. states and Puerto Rico.
Why is there a demand for these services?
MS has been called the second most expensive chronic disease. The unpredictable nature of the symptoms, the cost of treatment, and the progressive nature of the disease (which often adversely affects employment) all contribute to this growing problem. Often, there are gaps in available services through private health insurance, Medicare/Medicaid, or community agencies. These gaps are unfortunately common for people with MS because the disease most often affects adults between the ages of 20 - 40, whereas many services for the disabled are directed toward senior citizens or developmentally disabled youth.
Moreover, the number of people diagnosed with MS appears to be on the rise, and the demand for services exceeds the funds available.